white cake frosting recipe without shortening

White Frosting Recipe - Allrecipes.com.
Wedding Cupcake Buttercream Recipe | Recipe Girl.
i made some cake but found out i was out of icing.. For a pure white frosting, use shortening and powdered sugar with some colorless vanilla.. Recipe may be doubled or cut in half; however, if cut in half, yield is only 2½ cups.. or butter? how do u make white icing without butter,shortening or tartar?

Apr 16, 2013. While each color did taste a little different in the frosting, it by no means. If you're not into waste, start by halving the recipe and making more if you need to.. Grease two 8-inch cake pans with shortening and dust with flour.
Ideal buttercream for frosting and borders.. German Chocolate Cake Frosting II · How to Frost a. In a mixing bowl, cream shortening until fluffy.. I even used it for roses and figure piping (clowns) without a problem.. White Cake Frosting I.
white cake frosting recipe without shortening
white cake frosting recipe without shortening
White Cake with Buttercream Frosting The Live-In Kitchen.More Recipes Like Best White Icing Ever - All Recipes.
Rick's Special Buttercream Frosting Recipe - Allrecipes.com.
NO BAKE MOUSSE CAKE · FISH SIDE DISHES. Cream shortening with 1 cup of the sugar until light and fluffy.. Recipes related to White Cake And Frosting.
Jul 5, 2006. appeal to me. If a frosting calls for the addition of totally melted butter/ margarine, that is fine.. 3 tbs. milk. Mix shortening and water together then add vanilla. Mix in 1 C. of. recipe without butter? This recipe reminds me of a Wilton cake decorators type. Those call for white vanilla to keep it true white.
Apr 25, 2011. If you're going to eat cake with icing, eat the real deal. For special occasion. Before you read any farther, let me start by writing this: Icing is by no means healthy. It is not. To me cakes are ruined with fake whippy icings made with shortening. Ever wonder. Get the recipe for my Silky Smooth White Icing.
Nov 11, 2009. I'm looking for a fluffy cake frosting. Does anyone have a good recipe? Frosting Recipe. great idea, if you want to make the fluffy white canned frosting good to pipe with (I've. And, no big chunks of shortening dumped in.
Message Boards - "Butter, regular shortening, or butter flavored.
No icing is needed so it makes a nice lunchbox dessert.. No butter or shortening required.. many dozens of cake recipes later, one of our earliest recipes, this Black and White Cake, a deep dark chocolate cake with marshmallow frosting.
Aug 31, 2009. Edited on 8/21/12; Best Ever Red Velvet Cake Frosting. Edited on. I stumbled across this recipe online and I love it.. For whiter icing, use butter without dye ( health food stores); For stiffer icing, use 1/4 cup of water instead of 1/3 cup.. Can't you just use all shortening instead of butter to make it all white?
What is a good butter cream frosting recipe? at room temperature and whip it in a mixer or by hand hard until it turns almost white like cream cheeseeee! This is the stuff cake decorators use -- no shortening included.
Decorator Buttercream Icing Recipe - Food.com - 95416.
Red Velvet Cake Recipe with Cream Cheese Icing - Recipe for Red.
Crusting Vanilla Buttercream Frosting Recipe - Rose Bakes.