home remedies for sore throat and cough and congestion

Natural home remedies: Coughs | Home Remedies | Get Healthy.
home remedies for sore throat and cough and congestion
Homemade remedies - Pinterest.Home Remedy for Cough.. Mix and take by the teaspoon for a congested cough . ... I have a very effective, traditional, cure to coughing and sore throat.
Instead of visiting a doctor, you can even try some home remedies that are. Those suffering from cold and cough can get immense relief from homemade red onion syrup.. Take a spoonful of this syrup twice a day to get relief from sore throats and. Mullein tea can bring relief from chest congestion that generally happens.
Aches and pains, fatigue, sore throat, congestion and cough — you.
Home Remedies For Cough | Top 10 Home Remedies.
Cold and Cough Home Remedies for Children: What Works?
Check your symptoms and get home treatment advice.. viruses — and viruses cause colds, flu, and most sore throats and coughs.. Pressure or congestion.
Soothes sore throats, expels mucus, helps chronic sinus congestion. Home Remedies for Cough #14: Mullein**—Verbascum thapsus • Traditional cough.
Find cough treatments and home remedies for coughing or bronchitis, using natural cures. There are two main types of coughs: congested and dry.. occurs when you have a cold, and is often accompanied by a stuffy nose or sore throat.
Jun 9, 2009. Home Blogs How To Relieve Infant Nasal Congestion .. Previous blog Home Remedies For Sore Throat And Swollen Glands Next blog.
Cough Home Remedy.
home remedies for sore throat and cough and congestion
Home Remedies - Pinterest.Cold and Flu Home Remedies | The Dr. Oz Show.
Jul 28, 2011. There are many natural remedies and over the counter products that are. General Head congestion Chest congestion Sore/itchy throat, cough.
Home Remedy for sore throat, hacking cough, tight congestion. Using this in the winter instead of all those mucus relief drugs and decongestants. 2 likes 6.