twitter rate limit exceeded tweetie

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Best Twitter Tools, Applications, and Resources - Squidoo.
Mar 12, 2011. Twitter for iPhone (formerly known as Tweetie) created many Twitter and iOS. The more someone is rate limited in a conversation, the more that. me “your API limit has been exceeded” and that I have to halt a conversation.

Sign in New to Twitter? Already using Twitter via text message? @atebits - I' m getting "bad request - rate limit exceeded" messages on Tweetie for Mac.
Tweets by @abitgone / July 6th, 2010 - tweets posted by @abitgone.
MacHeist » Posts by mynameismoe (Page 1) — Forums.
Demystifying Twitter Marketing - Slideshare.
Keep getting 'bad request. rate limit exceeded' on Tweetie & can't see any @'s or anything in my follow stream #annoying. Reply; Retweet Retweeted; Delete.
twitter rate limit exceeded tweetie
twitter rate limit exceeded tweetie
Don't miss any updates from James Abley Join Twitter today and.Aug 16, 2012. Twitter on Thursday laid out new, significantly stricter rules for third-party. Existing apps that exceed that 100,000 user limit are not getting shut down.. continue at their current rate—the company won't hit its user cap for “years.. of various third-party clients; it bought several, like Tweetie and TweetDeck.